

The integration of hardware/software - hereinafter referred to as "system" - into the CIO Cockpit not only requires the registration of the systems themselves but also the configuration of the data collection. Data collection is set up centrally via the Data Collection Management (DCM).


Supported System Versions

WSAPI from version 1.4.5 onwards

Requirements in the CIO Cockpit

To set up the data collection, the system must first be created in the CIO Cockpit (see FAQs). You can create the system either in the CIO Cockpit Web Frontend or in Data Collection Management (recommended).

Creating Assets in the CIO Cockpit Web Frontend

  1. Select "Configuration" -> "Assets” in the left bar”

  2. Select “Add” in the main window, fill in (at least) the mandatory fields and select "Cisco Systems GmbH" -> "Network Device" -> "Catalyst" under "Manufacturer, Asset Type, Product”

Creating Assets in the Data Collection Management

Navigation: Click on "Data collectors & Assets" -> "Add Data collector system" -> Select Vendor: HPE und Product: 3Par

If the system was created at an earlier time, the existing asset can be selected by clicking on "Use existing element".

Configuration Notes for the Data Collection Management

Field name Required content
Hostname IP or FQDN of the storage controller incl. port, if it differs from the default port 8080 (e.g. or
Username Username for the CIO Cockpit data collection
Password Password for the login with the selected user
Cockpit Reference The entry for the system in the CIO Cockpit (is set automatically)
Description A short description of the created asset (free text field)

System Access

Users and authorizations

To access the "HPE 3PAR Web Services API", a user account (recommendation: cockpit_svc) with the authorization "browse" or higher is required.


  1. Open Web GUI

  2. Select Security -> Users (right)

  3. Create the service user (if service user does not exist yet): Actions → create (right)

  4. Assign user rights: Under "Add authorizations" select the user role "browse”

Activating the API

The "HPE 3PAR Web Services API (WSAPI)" is disabled by default. To activate the API, the wsapi service must be started on the controller:

  • Dial into the controller (port 22) using ssh with valid credentials, a CLI appears.
  • By "startwsapi" the service is started.
  • "setwsapi -https enable" allows connections via https. http works analogously. If this setting is not set, error code 9 is returned.
    • "setwsapi -https disable" prohibits connections via https (http analog).
  • The current timeout can be displayed with "showwsapi -d". The recommended default setting is 15 minutes.
    • The timeout can be changed with "setwsapi -timeout i". i must be between three and 1440 minutes.

Network and firewall

The following communication paths are required for the data collector to communicate with the system:

Source Destination Port(default) Protocol Direction
data-collection-vm 3Par-Storage-Controller-IP 8080 TCP outbound

KPI scope of the Data Collection

StorageUsage Job

KPI Details
assetID The CIO Cockpit ID of the asset. Visible in the asset overview of the CIO Cockpit Web Frontend
storageUsed Total capacity minus free capacity of the entire asset
storageCapacity Total storage available for backup and replication
timestamp Time stamp with microsecond accuracy of the host OS on which the data collector is running (UTC)
version Version number of the operating system of the asset
model Model name of the asset
serialNumber Asset serial number (One serial number per controller)

StorageInventory Job

KPI Details
assetID The CIO Cockpit ID of the asset. Visible in the asset overview of the CIO Cockpit Web Frontend
timestamp Time stamp with microsecond accuracy of the host OS on which the data collector is running (UTC)
List of disks All discs of the asset (see below)
List of Pools All Storage Pools of this asset. With 3PAR, the asset's entire usable storage is pooled (see below).

List of pools

KPI Details
poolName Pool name
List of disks All Discs of the asset (see below)
List of StorageExports All storage exports (volumes) of the asset excluding the virtual volumes of the operating system ".srdata" and "admin

List of disks

KPI Details
type NL-SAS, EFD (no SAS)
capacity Total capacity of the entire memory of this disc type
count 1

List of storage exports

KPI Details
uid Unique identifier of the export
sizeCommissioned Storage capacity exclusively allocated to the export and usable by one user
sizeUsed Use of the export on the asset including overhead
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