

The integration of hardware/software - hereinafter referred to as "system" - into the CIO Cockpit not only requires the registration of the systems themselves but also the configuration of the data collection. Data collection is set up centrally via the Data Collection Management (DCM).


Supported system versions

From Windows Server 2012 onwards

Requirements in the CIO Cockpit

To set up the data collection, the system must first be created in the CIO Cockpit (see FAQs). There are two ways to create the system.

  1. In data collection management during the setup of the data collection (recommended): (Data Collectors & Assets -> Add Data Collector System -> Create New Element)
  2. Administrative area in the CIO Cockpit Web Frontend (Configuration -> Assets). If you choose this path, you must select the system you created in the Web front-end when you set up the data collection in the DCM. (Data Collectors & Assets -> Add Data Collector System -> Use existing element).

Configuration notes for data collection management

Field name Required content
Host name IP (e.g., Host name (e.g. myhost) or FQDN (e.g. myhost.mydomain)
User name User name and domain for the login (e.g. mydomain\svc-cockpit)
Password Password for the login
Cockpit Reference The entry for the system in the CIO Cockpit (is set automatically)
Description A short description of the created asset (free text field)

System access

Users and authorizations

To access Windows hosts via powershell, the hosts must be configured as described in Configuring Windows Hosts via Domain Controller.

System access

Network and Firewall

The following settings are required for the communication between the data collector and the system:

Source Destination Port (default) Protocol Direction
data-collection-vm Windows-IP 5985/5986 (https) TCP outbound

KPI scope of data collection

Host Inventory

KPI Explaination
hostID The asset's CIO Cockpit ID
hostType The Windows OS runs on physical hardware or a virtual machine
timestamp Time stamp with microsecond accuracy of the host OS on which the data collector is running (UTC)
List of partitions The different partitions that are mounted on the OS
List of disks All discs covered by this asset
List of RAM modules Records describing the RAM modules installed in the host (see below)
List of CPUs Records describing the CPUs installed in the host (see below)

List of RAM-Modules

KPI Explaination
ramType Type of memory (e.g. "DRAM")
ramClock Nominal clock frequency of the RAM module
ramSize Size of the installed RAM module

List of CPUs

KPI Explaination
cpuType Identifier defined by the manufacturer (e.g. "Intel Xeon E5-2609 @ 2.50 GHz")
cpuThreads Number of threads of the CPU
cpuCores Number of CPU cores in the CPU
cpuClock The nominal clock frequency of the CPU
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